Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Failed to find CCM_SoftwareDistribution object for AdvertID="XXXXXX", PackageID="YYYYYYY", ProgramID="*"

I packaged a driver for an OSD deployment. When we went to test the OSD deployment the task sequence would fail with the error "Unable to find task sequence dependencies"

Looking at the SMSTS.log file I see this line
Failed to find CCM_SoftwareDistribution object for AdvertID="XXXXXX", PackageID="YYYYYYY", ProgramID="*"

This link identified the correct issue but failed to resolve the problem

To solve the problem I deleted the driver package and recreate a new driver package. This then allowed the task sequence to work.

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1 comment :

  1. It worked! Thanks Joe Joe, you saved my life! :-P
